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Advanced Form Elements

iCheck - Checkbox & Radio Inputs

Input Tags

Add data-role="tagsinput" to your input field & its automatically change it to a tags input.
Select Tags
You can also use select multiple to your input field.
Input Group Tags
You can also use group tag data-role="tagsinput" to your input field.

Select Elements

Bootstrap Select boxes

Select box
Select boxes with Option groups
Multiple select boxes
With colored Button Classes

Bootstrap TouchSpin

Input masks

Color & Time Picker

Date picker

Basic Checkbox

Basic Checkbox Design Colors

Basic Checkbox Design Colors with Filled In

Basic Radio Button

Basic Radio Button Design Colors

Basic Radio Button Design Colors with Outline

General Elements

Help block with success
Help block with warning
Help block with error

Different Height

Different Width

Input Addon



$ .00
With icons

With checkbox and radio inputs
With buttons

Large: .input-group.input-group-lg


Small .input-group.input-group-sm